Trust Regulations
Council Regulations 25 of 2002
Redesignated as regulations by Council on 11 July 2002
Amended on 21 October 2010 (Gazette, Vol. 143, p. 2, 20 September 2012), 25 October 2012, 8 October 2015 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 101, 29 October 2015), 25 December 2015 (Gazette, Vol. 146, pp. 183-184, 10 December 2015), 25 December 2015 (Gazette, Vol. 146, pp. 183-184, 10 December 2015), 29 January 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 222-225, 14 January 2016) 1 February 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 183, 10 December 2015), 19 July 2017 (Gazette, Vol. 148, p10, 21 September 2017) and 17 November 2017 (Gazette, Vol. 148, p116-117, 2 November 2017)
Renumbered on 15 May 2013 (Gazette, Vol. 143, p. 609, 30 May 2013), 11 December 2013 (Gazette, Vol. 144, p. 231, 16 January 2013), 21 March 2014 (Gazette, Vol. 144, p. 350, 6 March 2014), 28 April 2014 (Gazette, Vol. 144, p. 463, 8 May 2014), 8 August 2014 (Gazette, Vol. 144, p. 612-615, 24 July 2014), 14 November 2014 (Gazette, Vol. 145, p. 96-99, 30 October 2014), 10 February 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 317, 18 February 2016) 9 December 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 147, p. 152, 24 November 2016)], 19 July 2017 (Gazette, Vol. 148, p10, 21 September 2017), 17 November 2017 (Gazette, Vol. 148, p.116-117, 2 November 2017) and 16 March 2018 (Gazette, Vol.148, p.328-329, 1 March 2018).
Part 1: General
Part 2: Particular Scholarships, Prizes, Special Funds, Collections, Libraries, and Grants
§ 1. Abramson Prize for Modern Hebrew Literature
§ 2. Adams Bursary Fund
§ 3. African Humanities Research Fund
§ 4. His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani Programme for Islamic Art and Architecture
§ 5. Aldrichian and Aldrichian-Tomlinsian Funds
§ 6. Alexander Library in the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology
§ 7. Andbell AS Fund
§ 8. Robert and Valerie Appleby Research Scholarship Fund
§ 9. Arboretum, Nuneham Courtenay
§ 10. Aris Fund for Tibetan and Himalayan Studies
§ 11. Arnold Prizes
§ 12. Ashmolean Fund
§ 13. Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology
§ 14. Astor Travel Fund
§ 15. Baber Studentship Fund
§ 16. Mustafa Badawi Prize in Modern Arabic Literature
§ 17. The Bahari Curatorship of Persian Collections Fund
§ 18. Bahari Lecturership in Sasanian Studies Fund
§ 19. Bahari Visiting Fellowship in the Persian Arts of the Book Fund
§ 20. Balfour Fund
§ 21. Bannister Award in Organic Chemistry
§ 22. Madeline Barber Fund for the Taylor Institution Library
§ 23. Barnett Fund
§ 24. Beaconsfield Prize in Physiological Sciences
§ 25. Beattie Visiting Fellowship Fund
§ 26. Beazley Archive Fund
§ 27. Beckit Memorial Prize
§ 28. Beit Fund
§ 29. Beit Prize
§ 30. Berlin Fund
§ 31. Betts Fund
§ 32. Binyon Prize
§ 33. Bird Bequest
§ 34. Blackman Lecturership Fund
§ 35. The Nigel Blackwell Sports Bursary Fund
§ 36. Blakiston Fund
§ 37. Blavatnik School of Government Academic Staff Fund
§ 38. Blavatnik School of Government Scholarship Fund
§ 39. Blavatnik School of Government
§ 40. Blaschko Visiting Research Scholarship
§ 41. Bodleian Fund
§ 42. Bodleian Library
§ 43. Julia Bodmer Memorial Lecture Fund
§ 44. Borthwick-Norton Fund
§ 45. Boyd Bequest
§ 46. Brettschneider Bursary Fund
§ 47. British Telecom Research and Technology Prize for Computing Science
§ 48. Brooke Benjamin Memorial Fund
§ 49. Ajit Gulabchand Professor of Indian Business Studies
§ 50. Christopher Brown Curator of Northern European Art Fund
§ 51. Bryce Research Studentship in History
§ 52. Bull Memorial Fund
§ 53. Burdett-Coutts Foundation
§ 54. Burdette Lectures in Surgical Science
§ 55. Butt Colson Bequest
§ 56. Edita Butterworth Fund
§ 57. Buxton Nature Reserve
§ 58. Cairns Memorial Fund
§ 59. Cancer Research Committee
§ 60. Careers Service Appeal Fund
§ 61. Lorna Casselton Memorial Fund
§ 62. Celtic Studies Lectures endowed by C J. O’Donnell
§ 63. Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents Support Fund
§ 64. The Chancellor’s Prizes
§ 65. Charterhouse European Bursaries
§ 66. Chester Fund
§ 67. Christensen Fund Post-doctoral Fellowship in Chinese Painting
§ 68. Sarah J. Clackson Coptic Fund
§ 69. Cecily Clark Memorial Fund
§ 70. Chung Hon Dak Fund
§ 71. Classics Faculty Ioannou Centre General Trust
§ 72. Clifford Chance Centre for the Management of Professional Services
§ 73. Clough Travel Fund
§ 74. Cohn Memorial Fund
§ 75. Michael Comber Graduate Scholarship Fund
§ 76. Comparative and Classical Philology Fund
§ 77. Continuing Education, Department for
§ 78. Contemporary History and Public Policy of Mexico Fund
§ 79. Conway Fund
§ 80. Cooper Fund
§ 81. Corcoran Memorial Fund
§ 82. Cornish Bequest
§ 83. Coulson Memorial Fund
§ 84. Crawford Miller (Oxford–Australia) Visiting Fellowship Fund
§ 85. Creweian Benefactions
§ 86. Crown Benefactions
§ 87. Crowther Memorial Prize
§ 88. Crystallography Fund
§ 89. Cunliffe Sculpture Prize
§ 90. Curzon Memorial Prize
§ 91. Davies Bequest
§ 92. H.W.C Davis Fund
§ 93. Davis Scholarships in Chinese
§ 94. de Osma Studentship
§ 95. Dennis Gath Prize in Psychiatry
§ 96. Derome Memorial Fund
§ 97. de Sola Wright Memorial Fund
§ 98. Derby Scholarships
§ 99. Diebold Fund for Comparative Philology
§ 100. Dolabani Fund for Syriac Studies
§ 101. Dooley Prize in Anatomy
§ 102. Dudbridge Prizes in Classical Chinese
§ 103. Druce Bequest
§ 104. Duff Memorial Fund
§ 105. Dunston Memorial Fund
§ 106. Dyson Perrins Fund
§ 107. The Department of Earth Sciences Field Teaching Fund
§ 108. The Eastern Art Endowment Fund
§ 109. Economics of Developing Countries, Travel Fund for
§ 110. Faculty of English Language and Literature Prize Fund
§ 111. English Library Raleigh Memorial Fund
§ 112. Entomology (Hope Department of) Longstaff Endowment
§ 113. Ahmet Ertegun Memorial Scholarship
§ 114. The Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme Endowment Fund
§ 115. The Ertegun House Endowment Fund
§ 116. The Ertegun Senior Scholar in Residence Endowment Fund
§ 117. Esson Bequest
§ 118. European Studies Fund (the Europaeum)
§ 119. Field Studies Book Prize
§ 120. Finch Collection and Fund
§ 121. Foster Bequest
§ 122. Foundation Trust Fund
§ 123. French Memorial Fund
§ 124. Frere Exhibition for Indian Studies
§ 125. The Friends Education Endowment Fund
§ 126. Fry Memorial Fund
§ 127. Fuggles Fund
§ 128. Gareth Evans Fund
§ 129. School of Geography Geographical Endowment Fund
§ 130. Geology and Mineralogy
§ 131. Gilbert-Houston Publications Fund
§ 132. Gildesgame Trust
§ 133. Ginwala Scholarships
§ 134. Gladstone Memorial Prize
§ 135. Godstow Nunnery
§ 136. Gordon Bequest
§ 137. Gotch Memorial Prize
§ 138. Griffith Egyptological Fund
§ 139. Griffith Institute Editor’s Travel Fund
§ 140. Grocyn Fund
§ 141. Gurden Memorial Fund
§ 142. Gutiérrez Toscano Prize
§ 143. Edward Hall Memorial Fund
§ 144. Hall, Hall-Houghton, and Houghton Prizes
§ 145. Halstead Scholarships in Music
§ 146. Hanfling Fund
§ 147. Hanson Research Fellowship in Surgery
§ 148. Harrison Memorial Fellowship Fund
§ 149. Haverfield Bequest
§ 150. Sybille Haynes Fund for Etruscan and Early Italic Studies
§ 151. Head Prize for Ancient Numismatics
§ 152. Heather Benefaction
§ 153. Heatley Fund
§ 154. Heatley-Merck, Sharpe and Dohme Studentship
§ 155. Shelagh Heffernan Awards Fund
§ 156. Herbert Memorial Prize
§ 157. Herbertson Memorial Prize
§ 158. Heuss Research Fellowship
§ 159. Hicks Fund
§ 160. Higher Studies Fund
§ 161. Hiorns Memorial Prize
§ 162. Museum of the History of Science Special Purposes Fund
§ 163. Tony Hoare Fund
§ 164. Hoare Prize in Computation
§ 165. Hosier Fund
§ 166. Hudson Memorial Fund
§ 167. Department of Human Anatomy and Genetics
§ 168. Human Sciences Developing Nations Fund
§ 169. The Hussey Lectures
§ 170. Ilchester Endowment
§ 171. Jill Hart Trust for Indo-Iranian Philology
§ 172. Irish Government Senior Scholarship Fund
§ 173. Professorship of Irish History Fund
§ 174. Ismene Fitch Endowment Fund
§ 175. Janson Prize in Electronic Communications
§ 176. Jaspars Memorial Fund
§ 177. The Jenkins Memorial Fund
§ 178. Jenkinson Fund
§ 179. Johnson Loan Fund
§ 180. Kenneth Rose Fund
§ 181. Khalili Research Fund
§ 182. Joyce Mertz Gilmore Fund
§ 183. King Fund
§ 184. Kirby Memorial Fund
§ 185. Kirkaldy Prizes
§ 186. Kirk-Greene Prize
§ 187. Knapp Fund
§ 188. The KS Endowment Fund
§ 189. Koshland Graduate Travel Fund
§ 190. KS Scholarship in Chinese Art
§ 191. Kurti Fund
§ 192. Helene T A M La Rue Scholarship Fund
§ 193. Labouchere Fund
§ 194. Faculty of Law Prize and Scholarship Fund
§ 195. Lawrence Memorial Travel Scholarship
§ 196. Lee Fund
§ 197. Lee-Placito Medical Fund
§ 198. Vivien Leigh Fund
§ 199. Lef Nosi of Elbasan, Albania, Memorial Fund
§ 200. Lenman Memorial Prize Fund
§ 201. Leo Blockley Memorial Rowing Fund
§ 202. Leopold Muller Fund
§ 203. Lewis Fund
§ 204. Library Conservation Endowment Fund
§ 205. Lienhardt Memorial Fund
§ 206. Littlemore Trust
§ 207. Lockey Bequest
§ 208. Louwes Fund for Food and Agricultural Research
§ 209. Lubbock Memorial Fund
§ 210. Lucas Fund
§ 211. Mabel Churn Scholarship Fund
§ 212. McGinnes British Airways Transplant Fund
§ 213. McGovern Lecture Fund
§ 214. Mackintosh Drama Fund
§ 215. Malcolm Green Lecture
§ 216. Marcus Fund
§ 217. Martin Institute for Science and Civilisation
§ 218. MathWorks Fund
§ 219. Mathematical Prizes
§ 220. Maxwell Memorial Fund
§ 221. McDonald Agape Fund
§ 222. McMichael Research Fund for Research in Infection and Immunity
§ 223. Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages General Purposes Fund
§ 224. Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Prize and Scholarship Fund
§ 225. The Medtronic Biomedical Engineering Scholarship Fund
§ 226. Medical School Prize and Scholarship Fund
§ 227. Meyerstein Bequest
§ 228. Milburn Memorial Fund
§ 229. Millburn Bequest
§ 230. Mineralogy Bowman Library
§ 231. Molecular Biophysics Fund
§ 232. Moores Fund
§ 233. Peter Moores Lecturer in Chinese Archaeology Fund
§ 234. Morgan MBA Prizes
§ 235. The Moritz–Heyman Scholarship Fund
§ 236. Motz Prize in Electrical Engineering
§ 237. Müller Memorial Fund
§ 238. Music Libraries and Collections
§ 239. Francis Napier Fund
§ 240. Napier Memorial Library
§ 241. Naples Biological Scholarship
§ 242. Nasmyth Laboratory Fund
§ 243. Neurosurgery Fund
§ 244. News International Fund
§ 245. Nissan Fund for Japanese Studies
§ 246. Norton Bequest
§ 247. Nubar Pasha Armenian Scholarship
§ 248. Nuclear Electric Prize in Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
§ 249. Nuffield Benefactions
§ 250. Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine Ulcerative Colitis Research Fund
§ 251. Nuffield Fund for Research in Ophthalmology
§ 252. Ophthalmological Research Endowment Fund
§ 253. Oppenheimer Fund
§ 254. Catherine Oppenheimer Prize
§ 255. Grey Institute of Field Ornithology
§ 256. Edward Orsborn Professorship of US Politics and Political History Fund
§ 257. Osler Memorial Fund
§ 258. Oxford Business Taxation Research Centre
§ 259. Oxford Graduate Scholarship Fund
§ 260. Oxford Kobe Scholarships
§ 261. Oxford Mathematical Institute Fund
§ 262. Oxford Physics Endowment Fund for Graduate Students
§ 263. Oxford Project for Peace Studies
§ 264. Oxford Translational Research Trust Fund
§ 265. Palgrave Brown Bursary Fund
§ 266. Pantin Fund
§ 267. Papiya Ghosh Prize
§ 268. Parsons Fund
§ 269. Pathology (Sir William Dunn School)
§ 270. Paton Memorial Fund
§ 271. Pavry Memorial Fund
§ 272. Philosophy: Waismann Bequest
§ 273. Department of Physics Prize Fund
§ 274. Department of Physics Special Lecture Fund
§ 275. Pirie-Reid Fund
§ 276. Plachte Memorial Fund
§ 277. Department of Plant Sciences General Purposes Fund
§ 278. Portuguese Studies
§ 279. Poulton Fund
§ 280. Psychiatric Research Fund
§ 281. Fund for Research in Old Age Psychiatry
§ 282. Experimental Psychology Fund
§ 283. Queen Elizabeth House: Gift from Sir Ernest Oppenheimer
§ 284. Queen Elizabeth House Fund
§ 285. Queen Elizabeth Scholarship
§ 286. Radcliffe Meteorological Collection
§ 287. Radhakrishnan Memorial Bequest
§ 288. Radiological Research Fund
§ 289. Sheikh Rashid Diabetes Fund
§ 290. Read Scholarship
§ 291. Realising Potential Fund
§ 292. Recanati-Kaplan Centre, Tubney House Fund
§ 293. Rhoades Commemorative Fund
§ 294. Rhŷs Fund for Promotion of Celtic Study and Research
§ 295. Rhŷs Prize
§ 296. Robinson Memorial Fund
§ 297. Rolleston Memorial Prize
§ 298. Roth Memorial Prize for Italian Studies
§ 299. Rothermere American Institute
§ 300. Rothermere Scholarships
§ 301. Rouse Memorial Prize
§ 302. The RSC International Refugee and Human Rights Law Research Fund
§ 303. A B Charitable Trust Gift for the funding of the Institute of Human Rights
§ 304. Institute of Human Rights Fund
§ 305. Albi Rosenthal Visiting Fellowship Fund
§ 306. Oxford University Rugby Fund
§ 307. Ruskin Trustees
§ 308. Sackler Keeper of Antiquities Endowment Fund
§ 309. Saïd Business School Venture Fund
§ 310. Saïd MBA Prize
§ 311. Saïd Business School and Global Leadership Council
§ 312. Samuel Pisar Travelling Fellowship in Human Rights Fund
§ 313. St Catherine of Alexandria Prize Fund
§ 314. Sasakawa Fund
§ 315. Sassoon Visiting Fellow Fund
§ 316. Schacht Memorial Prize
§ 317. Sebastian Walker Fund
§ 318. Secretan Bequest
§ 319. Segal Fund
§ 320. Segovia Fund
§ 321. Shaikh Zayed Endowment Fund for Islamic Studies
§ 322. Shaw Fund for Chinese Studies
§ 323. Shaw Memorial Fund
§ 324. Sheppee Fund
§ 325. Sherardian Bequest
§ 326. Shillito Fund
§ 327. Shute Fund
§ 328. Sidgwick Chemical Library Fund
§ 329. Simmons Bequest
§ 330. Sinclair and Rachel Hood Trust Fund for a Lectureship in Aegean Prehistory
§ 331. Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship
§ 332. Soudavar Memorial Fund
§ 333. Southern Trust Fund for Students with Disabilities
§ 334. Spanish Fund
§ 335. C.V. Starr Scholarship Fund
§ 336. Stevens Scholarship
§ 337. Stutchbury Scholarship Fund
§ 338. Swan Fund
§ 339. W.N. Thomas Tam Fund for Chinese Language Teaching and Learning Enhancement
§ 340. Tang Family Scholarship Fund for International Wildlife Conservation Practice
§ 341. Taylor Institution
§ 342. Thalmann Scholarship Fund
§ 343. Thistlewood Fund
§ 344. Thompson Cancer Research Fund
§ 345. Thornton Bequest
§ 346. Topolski Fund
§ 347. Tovey Memorial Prize
§ 348. Trapnell Fund for Environmental Field Research in Africa
§ 349. Truelove Lecturership Fund
§ 350. Turbutt Prizes
§ 351. Turnbull Travelling Scholarship
§ 352. University Challenge Seed Fund
§ 353. van Houten Bequest
§ 354. Varley-Gradwell Travelling Fellowship in Insect Ecology
§ 355. Vaughan Morgan Prizes
§ 356. Vice-Chancellors’ Fund
§ 357. Voltaire Foundation Fund
§ 358. David Walker Fellowship Fund
§ 359. von Engel and Francis Fund
§ 360. Wainwright Fund
§ 361. Walker Studentship
§ 362. Walling Memorial Fund
§ 363. David Walton Memorial Fund
§ 364. Wang Scholarship Fund
§ 365. Humphrey Wanley Fund
§ 366. Waverley Fund
§ 367. Welch Scholarships
§ 368. Weldon Memorial Prize
§ 369. Welsh Prize
§ 370. Wetton Fund for Astrophysics
§ 371. White’s Estate
§ 372. Whitehead Fund
§ 373. Wildlife Conservation Research Fund
§ 374. Williams and Grant Memorial Fund
§ 375. Williams Scholarships in Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology
§ 376. R.J.P. Williams Visiting Lecturers
§ 377. Wills Scholarships
§ 378. Winchester Award Fund
§ 379. Winchester Lecturership and Pavry Memorial Lecturership
§ 380. Wolfson Childcare Bursary Fund
§ 381. Woodforde Collection of British Birds
§ 382. Wylie Prize
§ 383. Yamanouchi Cell Biology Prize
§ 384. Richard Youard Lectures in Legal History